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Is Hemp & CBD Legal?Yes, it sure is! Cannabindiol (CBD) is one of many cannabinoids that can be found in Hemp. Hemp is legal in all 50 states and is identified separately from marajuana due to it excessively low Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). In North Carolina, the Department of Agriculture runs an analysis of each strain grown during a specific time period of the growing process in order to ensure that the plant is within state regulations for legality.
Will I get high?The general answer to this used to be absolutely not. It is important to know what Cannabinoids are in the product you have. The primary cannabinoid that produces the sensation of feeling “high” is Delta-9 Tetrahydrocannbinol (THC). Legal Hemp must contain 0.3% or less THC, therefore the amount is not enough to create the psychoactive effects. However, through research, the hemp industry has been able to extract similar cannabinoids to D9 THC that does give you a similar feeling. Be sure to ask your bud-tender for specifics before you purchase.
What does it do?There are all kinds of benefits and effects of Hemp products! Different cannabinoids and terpenes offer an array of benefits. There are also different effects of cannabinoids working together. In general, the Phyto cannabinoids target to heal and stabilize your personal Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Check out our Benefits page to see more specific, evidence-based benefits.
Will I test positive for THC?It depends. Full Spectrum products will contain THC. However, the amount of use determines the more probable risk of testing positive. Broad Spectrum and Isolate products do not contain THC, therefore you will not test positive.
Does this interact with any medications?Although there is little evidence stating that CBD and other hemp-derived products may interact with medications, we always recommend consulting with your physician for further clarification regarding any specific medication that you may be taking.
Are there side effects?Rare, but possible. Some individuals may be more likely than others. Side effects that are most commonly reported are tiredness/fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, low blood pressure, or changes in appetite.
What is a Cannabinoid?Cannabinoids are “compounds” that are found in the Cannabis plant, meaning in both the hemp and marijuana plant. There are multiple different cannabinoids that actually convert to other forms of cannabinoids, leading to different effects. Some examples include CBD, THC, CBG, and CBC.
What is the Endocannabinoid System?The Endocannabinoid System (ECS) is our body’s natural system that including multiple different receptive sources to cannabinoids specifically. We naturally produce endocannabinoids in our body and fortunately, the cannabis plant contains phytocannabinoids with mimic or parallel our natural endocannabinoids.
What is CBD?CBD stands for Cannabidiol, which is one of the many cannabinoids (or compounds) in the hemp plant. The 2018 Farm Bill opened up the opportunity to grow hemp and reinvest in the ability to breed in more beneficial ways, thus the hemp industry has been revolutionized in North Carolina and we could not be more ecstatic! That being said, there are many testimonials, cases, and even research supporting the different benefits of cannabinoids. Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of the most commonly named cannabinoids and has been shown to have several benefits overall.
What is the entourage effect?The Entourage Effect is when different cannabinoids work together to magnify the therapeutic benefits of a single compound. Basically, the more the merrier.
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